Route: Edinburgh to East Midlands Airport
Departure date and time of flight: 09:00am on the 23rd November 2003 Flight Number: EZY712 Flight duration: 45 minutes Class: Economy Class (only one class) Aircraft type: Boeing 737-500 Punctuality of the flight: The flight was on time and landed around 10 minutes early. Any baggage issues: No issues- the bags arrived on time and in one piece. Comments on the check-in staff and any issues: The check-in staff were polite, and very professional. There was no problem what so ever. Even though Edinburgh airport can be busy in the peak morning hours’. Comments regarding the pre-meal service: None. The food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the first meal: None. The food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the drinks service: None. The food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the in-flight snacks (if any): None. The food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the second meal (if any): None. The food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments on the in-flight system (if any): Just the in-flight magazine for easyJet, but no PVTs’. Comments of professionalism of the cabin crew: Very professional. Improvements that could be made: None. Comments on the interior of the aircraft (including seat comfort): Very clean and beautiful. The colour scheme is all based on the trademark bright orange colour. It’s so striking that when you are on a easyJet flight, its difficult to get rid of the thought of eating a fresh bright orange! Overall rating 1-10 (worst-best): 10 Route: East Midlands Airport to Edinburgh
Departure date and time of flight: 18:50pm on the 21st November 2003 Flight Number: WW5195 Flight duration: 40 minutes Class: Economy Class (only one class) Aircraft type: Boeing 737-500 Punctuality of the flight: The flight was on time and landed around 5 minutes early. Any baggage issues: No issues- the bags arrived on time and in one piece. Comments on the check- in staff and any issues: The check-in staff were polite, and very professional. There was no problem what so ever. East Midlands is a quiet airport- not too busy. Comments regarding the pre-meal service: None. Food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the first meal: None. Food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the drinks service: None. Food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments regarding the in-flight snacks (if any): None. Food was available for purchase if anyone wanted to. Comments on the in-flight system (if any): Just the in-flight magazine for BMIBaby, but no PVTs’. Comments of professionalism of the cabin crew: Very professional. Comments on the interior of the aircraft (including seat comfort): Very clean and beautiful. There was a nice fresh smell in the cabin. The seats were decorated with the trademark blue and grey colour. The Boeing 737-500 had a “Baby on Board” logo on the cockpit door!. Overall rating 1-10 (worst-best): 10 |
About Airline PRThis is a special section on Airline Branding, and Airline Public Relations written by me on all the flights I have been fortunate enough to have been on. These are not records taken from somewhere else, but are actual flights I have been on. Most of the flight trips are officially sponsored by the airline companies in order to promote their certain routes, and aircraft. Airline promotion and PR related work in the aviation industry is one of my expertise. Watch exclusive videos below taken in the cockpit of a Boeing 777-300ER in-flight over Chinese Airspace.
Special thanks goes to Turkish Airlines B777-300ER Cockpit Video 1B777-300ER Cockpit Video 2Archives
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